PLC Activities

Since inception, the Pune Local Centre (PLC) has been very active in promoting and diffusing the knowledge, information and technology for Engineering applications through the programmes like Lectures, Seminars, Symposia, Conferences, Workshops, Training Courses, Technical Journals and Paper Meetings , Visits, Film Shows, Presentations, Competitions, Exhibitions etc.
Experts in the field of engineering and technology are invited to deliver lectures, to share their rich experience and to exchange thoughts. Presentations of prominent personalities with special experience in & outside the country are arranged to encourage, and elevate the technical & general knowledge of our engineers. Seminars, Workshops & Conferences are organised on the latest topics, emerging technologies etc. Short term & Training courses, continuing education programmes are also arranged for the benefit of Engineering Professionals, Engineering & AMIE students.
For ongoing technical activities Centre has always received enthusiastic response and co-operation from Industry, Educational and Research Institutes, Professionals, Engineers, Students and Corporate Members
All the activities of PLC are Open for all members as well as non members,concessional fees are charged to the members for Seminars, Workshops , Visits etc.
Institution regularly conducts some of its activities jointly with like minded organisations like Indian Water Works Association, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers , Architects Engineers and Surveyors Association, Institution of Productions engineers, Bureau of Indian Standards, Alumni Association of College of Engineering, Indian Institution of Electrical Engineers, Indian Institute of Industrial Engineers, Institute of Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Engineers, Institute of Standard Engineers, Quality Circle Forum of India ,Marathi Vidyan Parishad, Rotary Club etc.
Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
Experts in different field of Engineering and Engineering Sciences are invited to deliver the lectures, to share the rich experience and exchange the thoughts. Presentations of persons with special experience in and outside the country are arranged to encourage, and elevate the technical and general knowledge of persons engaged in Engineering Seminars, Workshops and Conferences are organized on new topics, subjects, emerging technologies and specified area of engineering.
The main objectives of these is as under
- To share amongst its member’s information on all matters relating to Engineering.
- To encourage innovations and investigations and make known their nature and merits.
- To give the government municipalities and other public bodies the views of Engineers as regards matters directly or indirectly affecting engineering projects.
- To arrange and promote the adoption of executable forms of contracts and other documents used in Engineering.